Medical-grade mattresses and beds for care environments
Moonlight Medical uses quality materials, sleep expertise and state-of-the-art manufacturing to produce medical-grade sleep surfaces that are built to last. Made in the USA using sourced materials, our certified safe products are trusted by hospitals, medical centers and care facilities across the country. We also offer medical bed frames that are compatible with Moonlight Medical mattresses.
Moonlight Medical

Matressess Suited for Medical Needs
Visco Elastic Prevention Mattress for Superior Comfort
Multi-Layered Design to Reduce Pressure
Available with Raised Perimeter
Meets 16 CFR Part 1633 Fire Code
Fluid Proof Cover for Easy Cleaning
400 Pound Weight Capacity
Firm Edge for Greater Stability during Ingress/Egress
Sloped Heel to Help Off-Load Pressure on Heel Section
Against Manufacturer Defects Five Year Warranty
Adjustable, Easy-assembly Bed Frames
Easy to Assemble
Adjustable Head Position
IV Stand Available